The diagram above shows the sector AOB of a circle, with centre O and radius 6.5 cm, and AOB = 0.8 radians. (a)By considering the triangle POC, show that x is equal to 7.5cm, correct to one decimal place The point F is on the beach and vertically below P. The point A is 55m from F, along the horizontal beach. The radius is half the length of the diameter. Give your answer in … A boat in a circular lake lies at its centre . B C с 10cm 10cm 30° O Select One: A 2571-75 Cm 2 3 O 2576 Cm2 3 257-25 3 Cm2 O … Diagram not drawn to scale. Question: The Diagram Shows A Sector Of A Circle With Centre O. (6) The circle shown has centre O and radius 3.9 cm. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. Work out the length of arc . The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre O. The earring consists of a circle inside an equilateral triangle. Prove that the perimeter of shaded region is r 6794 Views An arc is a part of a circle. The tangents to the circle at A and at B meet at P. 12 cm P diagram not to scale I(I-CŒIO -.¥ (a) (b) (c) Using the cosine rule, show that the length of AB is COS S COS Find the length of BP. BD is a straight line. The arc ABC is a quarter of a circle with centre O and radius 4.8 cm. 8 (a) The diagram shows a sector of a circle with centre O and radius 24 cm. Arc B is part of the circle with centre M and radius PM, where M is the mid - point of PQ. [3] The mid-points of OB and OC are A and D respectively. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. AC Is A Chord Of The Circle. The angle of the sector is 150^o. Given that the length of the major arc RS is 45 cm , find the length , in cm , of the radius. Question: The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre O. O (3 marks) 15.2 cm 165° 4 AOB is a sector of a circle, centre O and radius 6 cm. Not drawn accurately Show that the perimeter of the sector is greater than 52 cm. 15cm 10 cm 10 cm O Answer cm 2 [4] 1B Math diagram below shows a circle, centre O, with a radius 12 cm. Answer(a)(i) x = ..... [3] (ii) The points A and B of the sector are joined together to make a hollow cone. Show that the area enclosed by the two arcs is equal to 25 (3 − 6 π ) c m 2 The length of AD is 6 cm. NOT TO Answer x — The Radius Of The Circle Is 10 Cm. The radius of the circle is 13cm. O 38° B NOT TO SCALE A 25 cm The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre O, radius 25 cm. Give your answer correct to 3 sig figs. The length of the arc AB is 4r. The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre O, radius 5r. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. (a) Find the length of the arc ABC. In the diagram above, the part of the circle from B to C forms an arc. In the above diagram, O is the center of the circle and and are radii of the circle. i got 221.. but im sure its not right Figure 1 shows a sector AOB of a circle with centre O and radius r cm. The sector angle is 38°. The radius of the circle is 13 \ cm. The angle of the sector is 150°. The points A, B and C lie on the circumference of the circle, and AÔC = 1.2 radians. The diagram shows a sector of a circle of radius 7 cm. [ 3 marks ] 2. Give your answer correct to 4 significant figures. QUESTION 10 The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre o, radius 10 cm.The arc length of the sector is 15 cm. ... OKL is a sector of a circle, centre O, radius 5.6 cm. Calculate the area of the sector. Arc. AB is perpendicular to the radius OQ and meets OP produced at B. Angle BOA radians. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. The area of the sector AOB is 11 cm2 Given that the perimeter of the sector is 4 times the length of the arc AB, find the exact value of r. Calculate the value of x. Angle AOB = 120 degrees. Find the total area of the three parts of the sector lying outside the circle with centre C. … The diagram shows a sector of a circle, centre O. In Fig., is shown a sector OAP of a circle with centre O, containing ∠θ. Work out the perimeter of the sector. Angle KOL = 40°. Calculate the area of the segment shaded in the diagram. In given fig. The angle at the centre of the circle is 40 degrees. (i) The total perimeter of the sector is 68 cm. Angle B O ˆ A = θ = 1.5 radians. a) find the length of the arc PQ, giving the answer as a multiple of π. b) the tangents to the cirlce at the point P and Q meet at the point T. and the angles TPO AND TQO are both right angles Diagram 1 shows a sector AOB with centre O. x y 8 cm 8 cm 10.1 Show that the area of the rectangle, A, is given by A x x 256 2. 2. Show that the length of OC is approximately 1.65 cm and find the length of CD. 9 π 2 (a) Find the value of π cm and C O ˆ A =. OAB is a sector of a circle, centre O. Find the value of , in radian. O is the centre of a circle, If the area of the sector OAPB is 5/36 times the area of the circle then find the value of x. asked Oct 3, 2018 in Mathematics by Tannu ( 53.0k points) areas related to … O r A C B (a) Find the radius. The point C lies on OB and iss such that AC is perpendicular to OB. ABC Is An Arc Of The Circle. ii. Find the perimeter of the sector… The length of the arc AB is 7.5 cm and the perimeter of the sector AOB is 25 cm. Angle BOD is 90°. [4] The diagram shows a sector OBC of a circle, centre O and radius 12 cm. L p = 1050 Hence find Calculate the length of the arc AB. Tutorial 11 Circular Measure 1. Calculate the perimeter of the table top. (b) Calculate the length of the minor arc ACB. The angle of the sector is 60°. The diagram below shows a circle centre O, with radius r.The length of arc ABC is 3 π cm and C O ˆ A =. Find the area of the sector in terms of r, giving your answer in its simplest form. The diagram shows a sector AOB of a circle with centre O and radius 6 cm. Angle AOB = 0.6 radians. Calculate the area of the sector. Show all working. The diagram shows a table whose top is in the shape of part of a circle with centre, O, and radius 60 centimetres. A diagram shows a sector of a circle with centre O and radius 20cm. The angle of the sector is 30°. The diagram shows a sector OAB of a circle with the centre O and radius rcm. In the diagram, OAB is a sector of a circle with centre O and radius 8 cm. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 7 pages. Worked Solution Work out the area of the shaded segment. GCSE Higher: A yellow equilateral triangle has been painted on a purple sector. 4. The radii of a circle are all the same length. (c) Find the area of the minor sector OAC. Show that , correct to 3 decimal places. 1. Calculate the area of the sector. The point C lies on OA such that OCD is a right angle. The diagram shows a large tin of pet food in the shape of a cylinder. A circle with centre C and radius xcm lies within the sector and touches P,Q,R |