The Sea To Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large 3m X 3m is an ultralight tarp shelter great for minimalist adventurers and those wanting a handy, easy to carry versatile shelter with great options for increasing your campsite living area. Namiot Escapist 15D Tarp Wyrusz na szlak z naszym wszechstronnym i super lekkim namiotem Escapist 15D Tarp wykonanym z wodoodpornego materiału 15D Sil/PU pokrytego Ultra-Sil. One of the lightest coated fabrics that Sea to Summit manufactures, the 15 Denier Ultra-Sil is a siliconized nylon fabric with a polyurethane (PU) inner coating for mild waterproofing. Escapist 15D Tarp Large fra Sea to summit er en tarp for alle . I can't really find too many differences. I do have to warn those that have no experience with tarp style shelters, you need loads of practice and patience when setting this up. Das Escapist 15D Tarp von Sea to Summit ist ein ultraleichtes und vielseitiges Trap-Shelter, das sich ideal für alle minimalistischen Abenteuer eignet. Share - Large 3x3 Sea to Summit Escapist 15d Tarp. We were really grateful for it, as in September on the Larapinta Trail we had some hotter than average days hiking, with campsites providing little shade as we arrived into them at lunch time. Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp (Medium) Review While tarp usage by ultralight hikers on the US long trails is relatively common this is something we don’t seem to see that much in Australia. Escapist 15D Tarp Large 3x3m lime 2 499 kr 2 245 kr - 10 % 2 Andra kunders omdömen. Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-leightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers.The Escapist 15D Tarp is made from our waterproof 15D Sil/PU coated Ultra-Sil Nano fabric. Obal plachty Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp je opatřen poutkem k zavěšení a stahováním na samosvorku. The Large size Escapist Tarp is designed to cover the Bug Tent to protect you from the rain. Materiál. Escapist 15D Tarp-Sea to summit . Schliessen. SKU. Namiot Escapist 15D TarpWyrusz na szlak z naszym wszechstronnym i super lekkim namiotem Escapist 15D Tarp wykonanym z wodoodpornego materiału 15D Sil/PU pokrytego Ultra-Sil. STS_10542::LIME: or 4 easy payments of $80.00 with or. Made from 15 Denier Sil/PU coasted 1,200mm waterhead rated Nylon Eight Hypalon and bar-track reinforced tie-out points Extremly … Escapist Ground Sheet Ein Tyvek Ground Sheet ist bei sehr nassen Bedingungen, oder auf matschigem oder steinigem Boden unentbehrlich. 9. SEA TO SUMMIT ESCAPIST 15D TARP MEDIUM Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. It’s important to think of a sleeping bag, an appropriately insulating sleeping pad and a liner as a sleep system. Osiem punktów Hypalon łączy i utrzymuje końcówki kijów trekkingowych oraz posiada regulację napięcia oraz odblaskowe linki. Brand new: lowest price. Imperméable et ultra légère grâce à son tissu Ultra-Sil Nano 15D enduit PU, elle ne pèse que 270 … Cette matière ultra-légère permet à cette « bâche » multifonctions de ne peser que 270 grammes en taille M (2x2,6m). The Medium Escapist Tarp … The test produces a Lower rating (for male sleepers) and a Comfort rating (for female sleepers). Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large, 3x3m 185,99 € 185,99 € inkl. Es besteht aus 15 Denier Ultra-Sil Nano Gewebe, welche Silikon und Polyurethan beschichtet ist. The mosquito bug tent can hang under our Escapist Tarp shelters for the added bug protection that you need. Escapist 15d Tarp – Medium produced by Sea To Summit. Our Escapist Bug Tent is a no poles design. The waterproof, 15-denier silicone- and polyurethane-coated nylon fabricis tough for its weight and showed no damage when the wind … reviews the Sea to Summit Ultra Sil Nano Tarp, a poncho tarp that came in 1.5 ounces under the specified weight. 2.2×1.3×1m 380g(実測) ¥21,000+税, 野生食材の採集と活用、生活技術につながる野外活動などを中心に執筆とワークショップを展開。twitterアカウントは@_fomalhaut, 菊地 崇 a.k.a.フェスおじさん ライター、編集者、DJ, Muraishi Taro アウトドアライター, 林 拓郎 アウトドアライター、フォトグラファー、編集者, Akimamaでは広告掲載と情報提供を広く募集しております。お問い合わせ・お申し込み先は以下をご覧ください。, 「ESCAPIST」とは逃避主義者、現実から逃避する人という意味のよう。逃避行にはぴったりの軽量なシェルターだ。. Escapist 15D Tarp. When tarp camping persistent mosquitoes or splashed from a hard rain threaten to ruin a good trip. Materiál Vlastní plachta je vyrobena z lehkého a pevného nylonu Ultra-Sil Nano , který je na líci potažený silikonem a z rubu kvalitním PU zátěrem. Escapist 15D Tarp från Sea to Summit är gjord av vattentät 15D Sil/PUbelagd Ultra-Sil® Nano-nylon. In stock. 眠ることさえままならない熱帯夜を、南の島で幾度も過ごして結論した。夏に低地で使うシェルターに求められるいちばんの特性は「圧倒的な通気性」だ。, 野外でも、寒いぶんにはいくらでも対処できる。重ね着する、火に当たる、湯たんぽを作る……。積極的に保温や加熱をすることは、そう難しくはない。, しかし、酷暑のなかで積極的に体を冷やすのは難しい。せいぜい沢などに浸かって放熱するくらいだ。日中の熱をそのまま持ち越す熱帯夜には、極力薄着になって大汗をかきながら眠ることになる。, こんな夜の寝床には「圧倒的な通気性」が求められる。しかし、夏の野外にはヤツらがいる。そう、吸血昆虫だ。いくら通気性が欲しくてもヤツらを隔てるメッシュを捨てるわけにはいかない。, 通気性を確保しつつ虫と距離をおくために、私が行き着いたのがタープとネストの組み合わせ。ここ数年、夏の低地や南の島でのキャンプでは、このスタイルで過ごしている。タープとネストでは四方に大きな開口部ができるので、フライをかけたメッシュテントよりも格段に涼しく、また、ポールがないぶん大幅に軽量化できる。, この春から夏にかけて、南西諸島への旅で使ってみたのが「SEA TO SUMMIT」の「エスケーピスト15Dタープ」と「エスケーピストウルトラメッシュバグテント」。極薄の布地を使った超軽量なタープとネストの組み合わせだ。「ESCAPIST」とは逃避主義者、現実から逃避する人という意味のよう。逃避行にはぴったりの軽量なシェルターだ。, ネストのいちばんの特徴は、とにかく大きいメッシュ面。どの方向から風が吹いても、ネストのなかを風が抜ける構造になっている。, 雨の降り込みを抑えることとビーチでの使用を想定してか、バスタブの立ち上がりはやや高め(バスタブは高いほうが、砂が室内に入りにくい)。しかし、通気性がほしいときは、あえてたるませることで立ち上がり部分を下げ、風を通すこともできる。, ネストの愛好者にもフロアレス派とフロアあり派がいるだろうが、私は断然のフロアあり派。垂直に立ち上がるフロアがある場合、体とメッシュの間に空間をとれるので、メッシュごしに虫に刺されることがない。また、這って地面から侵入する生物も防ぐことができる。蚊やブヨ程度ならまだいいが、ハブのような有毒生物のいる場所では、フロアとネストが一体になっているのは安心感が大きい。, 室内はマットを2枚敷いてもまだ余裕があるゆったりとした設計。天頂部の高さは1mあるので、座って作業するときも背中を丸めずに済む。そして、奥に向かって天井が下がっているので、雨が強いときには足側を風上にしてタープを低く張ることができる。タープ&ネストでは雨の降り込みが問題になるので、この構造はありがたい。, このネストに対応するのが「エスケーピスト15Dタープ」。もちろん、ネストは別のタープとも組み合わせられるのだが、「エスケーピスト15Dタープ」の四隅にはホールが空いているので、ネストのトグルをくぐらせるだけで簡単に設営ができる。, 「エスケーピスト15Dタープ」はM(2×2.6m)とL(3×3m)の2サイズ展開。テストではMサイズをネストと組み合わせて使ったが、Mサイズだとネストに対してタープがちょっと寸足らずな印象。吹きっさらしの場所で使うならLサイズと組み合わせたほうがバランスがいいだろう。, しかし、ネストなしで単体のタープとして使うならMサイズでも十分な居住空間を確保できる。また、このタープの布地は15デニール(一般的なシルナイロンのタープは30D〜)。Mサイズの重量はわずか290gで、収納サイズもコンパクト。この薄さでも10泊ほどしてみて耐風性や耐水性はまったく問題なかった。軽量タープの購入を考えている人には、この軽さだけでも手にいれる理由になるだろう。, 「エスケーピスト15Dタープ」のMサイズと「エスケーピストウルトラメッシュバグテント」を合わせた重量はわずか670g。2人で使用した場合のひとりあたりの重量は340g弱となる。得られる居住空間の広さに対して、非常に軽いことが特徴だ。UL系メーカーのアイテムでは、居住性より軽さを重視する傾向があるが、その点でこのモデルは軽さも居住性も両立している。, 軽さ、涼しさ、広さにおいて、頭ひとつ抜きん出たエスケーピスト。南の島や夏の海辺に逃避したい人にぴったりの「夏の家」だ。, エスケーピスト15Dタープ The Sea To Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large 3m X 3m is an ultralight tarp shelter great for minimalist adventurers and those wanting a handy, easy to carry versatile shelter with great options for … Waterproof Tarp-Shelter SEA TO SUMMIT - "Escapist 15D Tarp" Material: 15 Denier Sil/PU coated 1,200mm waterhead rated Nylon Colour:… Hilleberg Tarp 5 or Sea To Summit Escapist 15D? い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部 … Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Medium | Sea to Summit Distribution Australia Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-leightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. Sea to Summit Escapist Large 15D Tarp. Sea To Summit Escapist 15D Tarp – Medium, Farbe lime-green, Grösse Medium (2 x 2,6 m), Artikelnummer AESCTARPM. Protection Eight stake points make the seam-sealed Escapist more wind-resistant than most tarps; powerful gusts along Idaho’s Salmon River didn’t cause it to flap or collapse. Sea To Summit se zaměřuje na lehoučké, funkční a detailně dotažené vybavení na kempování, turistiku, cestování a spaní v přírodě. It is super lightweight and packs down incredibly small. The Escapist Tarp Shelter is an ultralight tarp … Das ist aussen mit Silikon und innen mit Polyurethan beschichtet, was es wasserdicht und recht robust macht. Both Medium and Large can sleep two people. Both are listed in the features table on the product page. Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp MSR Thru Hiker 70 Wing Kammok Kuhli Tarp Kelty Upslope Tarp Eagles Nest Outfitters ProFly Sil Rain Tarp; Material: 15D Nylon : 20D Ripstop Nylon : 15D Ripstop Nylon: 40D Nylon : 15D … Tyvek is a very tough, waterproof material that sheds mud and water easily. Justerbara linsträckare och reflekterande linor så … Escapist … Add to Wish List. Overview. The eight Hypalon tie-out points will each hold the tip of a trekking pole (not included) and have cord adjuster and reflective guy lines pre-attached. Der Escapist ist ein vielseitiges, ultraleichtes Tarp-Shelter. Item No. The Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp is a technical but versatile and ultralight tarp shelter for minimalist camping adventures. A variety of factors impact sleeping bag warmth - the above temperatures are merely guidelines, not guarantees. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS + Backed by our Lifetime Guarantee. For example - if you plan on sleeping in nighttime air temperatures of 27ºF / -3°C, choose a bag with a gender-appropriate rating of 23°F / -5°C, plus a sleeping mat with an R-Value of 2.5 to 3, and consider a Reactor thermal liner. Qty. The Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp is made from seam sealed waterproof 15D Ultra-Sil® Nano fabric, the 15 Denier Sil/PU coated 1,200mm waterhead rated Nylon. Sea To Summit Escapist™ 15D Tarp … At! The same bag will also have a Comfort limit, in the realm of 27°F, so a woman would be comfortable down to an air temperature of 27ºF. Tie-outs are die-cut and circular bartacked to hold the tip of a trekking pole for easy setup. The Escapist is made from our waterproof 15D … The Specialist has the interior space of an ultralight tent with a lower overall weight and packed size. Sea To Summit AESCTARPL Escapist 15D Tarp - 165g . The Shelter has eight tie-out points that have cord adjusters attached, they will hold the tip of a trekking pole for easy set up. Bild vergrößern. It is made with the durable 15D Ultra-Sil Nano fabric. Available at REI, 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Vi bruker informasjonskapsler (cookies) for å forbedre din brukeropplevelse. Email. Tarp ultralight. The eight Hypalon tie-out points will each hold the tip of a trekking pole and have cord adjuster and reflective guy lines preattached. Er besteht aus gebundenem 15 Denier Ultra-Sil Nano PU/silikonbeschichtetem Nylon-Gewebe mit einer 1200 mm Wassersäule. Sea to Summit Escapist 15d Tarp – Tenda Plane di Sea to Summit 4,6 su 5 stelle 3 voti Prezzo: 195,61 € Spedizione GRATUITA. Our Tyvek Groundsheet is sized to fit under either size of the Escapist Tarp … Weiterlesen. Sea to Summit also offers an Escapist Ultra-Mesh Bug Net for the system. Product Description Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-leightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers.The Escapist 15D Tarp is made from our waterproof 15D Sil/PU coated Ultra-Sil Nano fabric. Escapist 15D Tarp. Tarp usage in this country is often limited to heavier grade tarps for car camping and that’s about it. Gewicht: 300 g nachgewogen (270 g laut Hersteller) Material: 100 % Polyamid (Ultra-Sil® Nano PU-/Silikon-bschichtetes Nylon) – eine Seite ist mit Polyurethan, die andere mit Silikon beschichtet, dadurch ist es wasserdicht. Ved å bruke vår nettside samtykker du samtidig til våre retningslinjer for bruk av informasjonskapsler. Und das mit vorkonfektionierten Abspannleinen und LineLocs. About this product . Side Release Field Repair Buckle with Removable Pin, Made from tape seam-sealed waterproof 15 denier Ultra-Sil™ Nano™, Eight hypalon and bar-tack reinforced tie-out points, Reinforced corners with cord lock and guy lines (which can be adjusted from under the tarp), To make a tarp shelter place a trekking pole through the circular bar-tack. Nordisk Voss Diamond PU Tarp dusty green 735 kr Fri frakt. Shelters, The Escapist Shelter. Be the first to write a review. Tarpen har åtta Hypalon-förstärkta fästpunkter som alla kan fästas vid en vandringsstav, gren, paddel eller annat som finns i närheten. These versatile points help the Escapist Tarp achieve a wide variety of setup options and also attach easily to the Escapist Bug Tent/Bug Net, sold separately. The Ultra-Sil Nano Poncho is a raincoat, pack cover, groundsheet and tarp all in one. Fri frakt. Über Escapist 15D Tarp Das Escapist 15D Tarp von Sea to Summit ist ein Tarp aus einem sehr dünnen und extrem leichten Nylon-Material. Escape to the wilderness with the versatile, compact and ultralight Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp Shelter. The Shelter has eight tie-out … X-Seal & Go Set Small ... Escapist 15D Tarp. Er besteht aus gebundenem 15 Denier Ultra-Sil® Nano PU/ silikonbeschichtetem Nylon-Gewebe mit einer 1200mm Wassersäule. SEA TO SUMMIT "Escapist 15D Tarp": lightweight waterproof tarp to build 2 person shelter. This ultralight fabric has a 1,200mm hydrostatic head. Das Escapist 15D Tarp von Sea to Summit in Größe Large (300 x 300 cm) ist ein vielseitiges, ultraleichtes Tarp-Shelter. The Bug Tent can also be pitched without an Escapist Tarp … Denne Escapist™ Ultra-Sil® 15D Large Tarp fra Sea to Summit er enten for den minimalistiske eventyrer, som i stedet for et telt blot medbringer en tarp eller brug den som det overdækkede … Sea To Summit Escapist 15D Tarp - Sea To Summit. The tarp is made from a waterproof 15D … M/2×2.6m 286g(実測) ¥18,000+税 ー トゥ サミット エスケーピスト 15DタープM Unsere Tyvek Groundsheets sind wasserdicht und sehr robust, und passen genau zu beiden Versionen des Escapist … Cet article : SEA TO SUMMIT Escapist 15D Tarp L x 3 m Accessoires Escalade, Adultes Unisexe, Bleu 193,87 € Il ne reste plus que 12 exemplaire(s) en stock. The Escapist™ Tarp is an ultralight and versatile tarp shelter for those of you who like to take the minimal amount of gear. Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. The tarp features eight tie-out points with attached cord adjusters to protect against the wind and elements. The Escapist™ Tarp Shelter is a technical but versatile and ultralight tarp shelter for minimalist camping adventures. 1966005 The Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp is a ultralight tarp for seeking shelter in the backcountry. … Produktinformationen "Sea To Summit Escapist 15D Tarp" Das neue ultraleichte Tarp aus Ultra-Sil® Nano15D Nylon von Sea To Summit ist extrem kompakt und wiegt nur 375 g in Größe Large (3x3 m). Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large | Sea to Summit Distribution Australia Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. The Shelter has eight tie … $319.99. Kollektion Shelters Shelters Accessoires Escapist Ultra-Mesh Bug Tent. Hilleberg Tarp … Previous product. Obal plachty Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp je opatřen poutkem k zavěšení a stahováním na samosvorku. Vlastní plachta je vyrobena z lehkého a pevného nylonu Ultra-Sil Nano, který je … Add to wishlist. Set up with your trekking poles or get creative with some trees. Large 3x3 Sea to Summit Escapist 15d Tarp. One of the lightest coated fabrics that Sea to Summit manufactures, the 15 Denier Ultra-Sil is a siliconized nylon fabric with a polyurethane (PU) inner coating for mild waterproofing. Sea To Summit. Add to Cart. A unisex sleeping bag with a Lower limit of 14ºF means a man should be comfortable down to air temperatures of 14ºF. Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. Osiem … Sea to Summit TV; Händlersuche; Blog; Menu. L’Escapist 15D de Sea to Summit est une tarp fabriqué à base de tissu Ultra-Sil Nano 15D enduit PU (colonne d'eau 1200 mm). Be the first to review this product . Ultra-sil nano fabric: light tarpaulin, waterproof and durable. The Large allows for more headroom and gear storage space. I'm wondering which tarp I should get. Maggiori informazioni Tutti i prezzi includono l'IVA. Livability Three could sleep fully sheltered beneath the tarp … For the Escapist Shelter System I tested this Escapist 15D Tarp with the Escapist Ultra-Mesh Bug Tent and Escapist Groundsheet. L/3×3m 440g ¥20,000+税, エスケーピストウルトラメッシュバグテント Expédié et vendu par Amazon. The EN Rating scale is a scientific test to determine the warmth of a sleeping bag. The Escapist™ Tarp Groundsheet is made with Tyvek® material. It features eight super-strong, durable tie-out points that will hold the tip of a trekking pole and have cord adjusters attached that are adjustable without having to leave the shelter. This poncho … Es besteht aus 15 Denier Ultra-Sil Nano Gewebe, welche Silikon und Polyurethan beschichtet ist. Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large 3x3m lime. A tarp groundsheet is invaluable for protecting your gear from groundwater, thorns, mud, and dirt. Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large | Sea to Summit Distribution Australia Escape to the wild with the versatile and ultra-lightweight tarp shelter for minimalist adventurers. Alle acht Hypalon-Abspannpunkte bieten auch Halt für die Spitze eines Trekkingstockes. The Escapist is made from waterproof 15D Sil/PU coated Ultra-Sil Nano fabric (80 holes/cm²). Sea to Summit strives to provide the ultimate solutions for outdoor enthusiasts looking for innovative, durable, lightweight and compact gear SIGN UP FOR THE LATEST IN GEAR AND ADVENTURE If you can’t be outdoors, bring the It also makes a good tent awning or sun shelter on its own. Ground Sheet sold separately.. This ultralight fabric has a 1,200mm hydrostatic Made from tape seam-sealed waterproof 15 denier Ultra-Sil Nano. Give your opinion *Sizes These ratings require a sleeping mat with an R-Value appropriate for expected ground temperatures – without this, the sleeping bag itself is unlikely to keep the sleeper warm enough. Quick view. Escapist 15D Tarp; Sea To Summit. L’Escapist 15D est la nouvelle tarp de chez Sea To Summit pour les aventuriers minimalistes. Escapist 15D Tarp. The eight Hypalon ® tie-out points will … Anything … The eight Hypalon tie-out points will each hold the tip of a trekking pole and have cord adjuster and reflective guy lines preattached. Stock photo; Stock photo. ュバグテント」を合わせた重量はわずか670g。2人で使用した場合のひとりあたりの重量は340g弱となる。得られる居住空間の広さに対して、非常に軽いことが特徴だThe Shelter has eight tie-out points that have cord adjusters attached, they will hold the tip of a trekking pole for easy set up. Sea to Summit ultralight tarps and shelters are designed for outdoor pursuits where weight and performance are paramount. €165.00. Nordisk Voss Diamond PU Tarp dusty green. The Escapist Bug Tent and Bug Net can be pitched with either size Escapist Tarp but are optimized for use with the Large Escapist Tarp. Sea to Summit Escapist Tarp stuffed. The Escapist™ has eight super strong durable tie-out points that have cord adjusters attached, so you can adjust them while you are under the shelter of the tarp. This 3-season shelter is perfect for 2 minimalist adventurers. Sea to Summit Escapist 15D Tarp Large lime Der Escapist ist ein vielseitiges, ultraleichtes Tarp-Shelter. … I can get the Escapist for around 150$ and the Tarp 5 for 170$. Das Escapist 15D Tarp von Sea to Summit in Größe Medium (200 x 260 cm) ist ein vielseitiges, ultraleichtes Tarp-Shelter. The Large Escapist Tarp is 3 x 3m, weighs 440g and can comfortably sleep two when set up as an A-frame.

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