ii. Until that time comes, The Father will continue to use the difficulties and hardship in this world to bring about a greater good in people. He from whom the delights of the senses fall away as water from the petal of the lotus or a mustard seed from the point of a needle – him do I call Brahmana. Tao Te King  “The Way and Its Power” also known as the Lao Tzu. c. Dhammadada – contains sayings attributed to the Buddha, i. We think it is evil because we don't really understand. )��������� ��o2]+XY|�,׺��?=q��%k�����b{��!�_�R����g�Uѐ���_��^������ U�� Man’s goal is the development of his own personality, which ceases to exist at death, 8. The more the Hindu overcomes evil in his/her own life, the better chance of being reincarnated in a higher caste and eventually achieving enlightenment – the knowledge that there is no ‘self’ just ‘brahman’. The Analects – The sayings of Confucius, collected by his followers. Vaisyas – merchant or farmer class follows the Kshatriyas, iv. i. iii. Reformed – very liberal wing of Judaism that all but denies any supernatural whatsoever. Confucianism does not solve the problem of evil, it is simply a rigid code of behavior as a method of tolerating or avoiding evil but there was never a solution offered to solve the problem of evil. The study of Jesus in comparative mythology is the examination of the narratives of the life of Jesus in the Christian gospels, traditions and theology, as they relate to Christianity and other religions. Religions of the world manpedia in charts religion the globa 5 major world religions chart worksheet what are the main similarities and hinduism lesson plans worksheets Buddhism was started by Siddhartha Guatama when he became the Tell no lies 5. Orthodox – Traditionalists who are united in their upholding of the Law and in their belief in the historical event of revelation at Sinai. at the grave, as an act of filial piety then became “ancestor worship”. They were in the cold with no where to go because their house was in unlivable conditions or the house itself was reduced to crumbles or ash or there were anti-Semitic rallies going on. d. The Koran (Quoran). b. Brahman - Until Moksha is attained there is no afterlife…just “life after life after life”. The Analects teach that Confucius believed that if there was indeed a heaven, it was on his side regarding the principles he taught. The Doctrine of the Mean – details the relationship of man to the universal order. a. Man has outgrown religion and any idea of God. At the age of 30 He began to proclaim that the “Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. ����j{Կ�tQ�Om��Z�\��di$aEY�T�,5(l�;�Oh�_����g�n�3��_��>��٬�YzJ8.��g��4� e��ֆ���Y��/�m��?����[�!���Z��2��B3���������B롐�j In fact, there are rich similarities that both religions share. Intelligence and will, properly applied, bring about the realization of his dreams and the “good life”. The charts below are intended to start answering those questions. �� Selfhood is an illusion, there is only one reality: Brahman (cf Buddhism). Otherwise he/she will go to hell. Jump to navigation. The Book of Ceremonies (Li Chi) Taught man to act in an honorable way like the ancients (an important value to Confucius). Teaches that Jewish law is always in ‘development’ based on the current culture. d. Because Jesus was called (and called Himself) the Son of God, he was condemned as a 'blasphemer' by the Jewish leaders of His time and was ultimately sentenced to die according to Jewish law, however, Judea was under the rule of Roman authority and therefore the Jewish leaders could not carry out the death sentence. “Father of Faith” was greatly multiplied and his sons greatly multiplied all of which adhered to a “Hebrew” faith of monotheistic faith in One God and no other (revolutionary for the time). (c.f. Anglican/ Episcopalian Means of salvation: God’s grace by faith alone How they worship: Traditional style through liturgy; contemporary liturgy […] As a brief guide of the similarities and differences of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, the following chart compares the statistics, origins, history and religious beliefs of these three great monotheistic faiths. Truth of pain – Dukkha In the five components of existence (birth, old age, sickness, death, emotion (sorrow etc. b. Around the late 2nd century AD, the Chinese Emperor sacrificed at his tomb as a form of worship, and from 195-1914 A.D. Confucious was worshipped as deity. Split the church. 2nd only to the Brahmins. The mind and personality are extensions of the body and therefore cease to exist when the body dies. The primary leaders were Elijah Mohammad (considered a prophet), Malcolm X who was a charismatic outspoken proponent for the nation of Islam who was murdered by Elijah Mohammad's men as a result of Malcolm's discovery and subsequent complaints of Elijah's impropriety with women in the movement. Catholicism also believes in the inerrancy of the church (Catholic leadership) and the Pope, therefore, two more authoritative writings exist for this denomination: Vatican I council - Codification of the Catholic position on specific doctrinal issues as delivered by the Pope at the time of the council. Says we “can not” know. In the limbo of existence and non-existence, there was transformation and the material force transformed to became form, and the form transformed to became life and life became birth has transformed to become death. c. Ultimately, man is in a constant state of evolutionary development and will continue to improve and solve problems in his life and the world as he looks to himself and not an imaginary god or superstitious ‘outmoded’ faith. African Religions are … One cannot improve his/her social position because it is contrary to the caste system. You can click on the major sections on each chart you build, in order to see more detailed comparisons. Day Three: 9. 3. (Two secretaries had filed paternity suits against Elijah). by Vaughn Aubuchon: This major religion comparison table includes Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. There is no need of salvation as man is basically good and the supernatural (including the afterlife) does not exist. Not only does religion provide ethical and moral values, but also acts as a cultural system and often gives people a sense of order in existence. a. Those religions are: (1) Hinduism; (2) Buddhism; (3) Islam; (4) Christianity; and (5) Judaism. c.  The Taoist looks for ways to find harmony between the opposites of life: The Yin and Yang but ultimately  has no way to solve the problem of evil due to its passivity and emphasis on withdrawing from the ills of society. i. Personal devotion to deity is considered (in the Bhagavad Gita) as a way of salvation for all classes of people. God Almighty will ultimately do away with all pain and suffering at the return of His Son Jesus. Confucianism - In Confucianism, there is no afterlife. (II Tim. b. lamas are priests and the chief priest is the Dalai Lama who is worshipped as the reincarnation of the Buddha (Bodhisattva Chenresi). The caste system - social classes with thousands of sub-groups in each caste. There are many other reasons too, one major one being that they all refer to the prophet Abraham as there founding father. Contains biographical information of Confucius. animism), b. Judaism Buddhism Christianity God reached out to the Abraham and told him to leave his village and start s colony in Canaan. Called “conservative” because it sought to ‘conserve’ Jewish tradition, not because this sect is particularly social or politically ‘conservative’. Jesus of Nazareth 30 A.D. (start of His ministry). Cessation of Pain – no craving, abandonment, non-attachement, forsaking, iv. Describes a number of deities who are mostly personifications of natural phenomena: storms, fire, etc. Died 632 A.D. a. Abraham is another important figure uniting the … moksha may be obtained by fulfilling one’s familial and social duties and ultimately overcoming bad karma accrued. b. Similarities between Religion and Spirituality. Everything that happens, happens because He willed it. • Does religion cause cooperation or conflict? 2015 - Similarities Between Religions | ... picture to see a chart to compare the major religions of the world b. The authority of the Bishop of Constantinople. Mormonism and the 'Book of Mormon'. A ‘happy medium’ between Orthodox and Reformed Judaism, founded in the 19th century. a. *** Please note, on this family tree you will not find groups like Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons/LDS belief systems. This has also been referred to by some Hindus as “Nirvana” (c.f. 1����Ƨ>u���a��O�cX=l��p�j����+�Z�V�u���-�Fe�g�W4Dw��r���6K���)ˤ1ȫ�滧�f�o����0�|� �����B�̭�*]�N�[�nS���$H>K����$K�#f)�R�\[ޗT���r���a�>-�M)���v�������f�=���^�~=-���������WȦ�,�p[d�\��X4�4�4ϴ�� LE0�}� 8d��Hu!�./g������LfFw�3�d0)J]�C���(�N �. It is impossible to ever know whether there is a God or not, in that he is wholly other and knowledge of Him is ultimately unattainable. ii. This karma is usually expected to be carried out in the individual’s next incarnation, however, it seems there is a tendency among Hindus to believe that karma can be effected in this life as well. Get Your Custom Essay on Similarities and Differences Chart Get an essay WRITTEN FOR … This handy list will help you keep track of and compare some differences in worship, rituals, and beliefs of the largest groups of the Christian Church. a. contains Buddhist theology. a. Bible – Consisting of the Old & New Testaments. This ‘evil’ is caused by good spirits who are angry or by evil spirits who are just simply evil. Man is the product of his society and upbringing and his morals arise from that which was nurtured in him. He just shifted the current emphasis in China from heaven to earth to bring about better conduct. Yes, of course this is impossible. Supposed to have great power if the key were ever found. Wherever the first 3 disagree with the Koran, the Muslim feels that they have been corrupted. Fard was never heard from again and Elijah immediately assumed leadership of the group. v. Dalits – untouchables or “outcastes” which are outside the caste system. Karma is responsible for widespread neglect and needless suffering in India in that a Hindu believes that if they help a person in pain, trouble, etc. Those that die without receiving Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for their sins personally, will have made a conscious choice to reject Him forever, sealing their own fate of eternal separation from God (all things even remotely ‘good’ or ‘pleasurable’) and will have, in their rejection of God’s goodness and ultimate eternal gift, accepted a position in torment called ‘hell’. East/West Schism – 1054 A.D. arose as a political dispute regarding the authority of the Pope at Rome vs. In the charts below you’ll find a simplified comparison of various customs and everyday culture in the United States and Germany (Deutschland).For more details, click on any linked topic. Catholic Christianity, 1. b. Immanuel Kant (1724- 1804) – a theist who believed it was impossible to know reality. Moreover, Brahman is all that is objective as well as subjective. c. This people was multiplied as ‘outsiders’ in the land of Egypt and were enslaved for 400 years until they were delivered by a man named “Moses”. (This is the primary motivation for suicide bombers)  c.f Shintoist: Kamikaze fighters, c. Paradise is a physical place of sensual pleasures where each man will have a harem of beautiful women who will bear children for him. He was touted as being the Christian Messiah and the Muslim 'Mahdi' (Redeemer). b. Chuang-Tzu – Prolific author in the 4th century, popularizing the teachings of LaoTzu. i. the “New Testament” of Hinduism which records a conversation between the prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna (the incarnation of the god Vishnu) condoning personal devotion to deity. 3. Religion is a prominent aspect of many people’s lives. There are over a hundred different world mythologies that we know of today. Somehow God organises the souls' perfection through the bodies' torments. He wrote 33 books. b. Canonization process19: why are some books in the Bible and others are not? bhakti yoga – The way of devotion. 1. This chart is a simplification of various groups and their beliefs. 4. He never necessary declared belief in or taught of a heaven. Subsequently, he renounced this lifestyle as well. Self-authenticating quality with a unique power over the lives of men. For 1 Billion Christians (Catholics), there are additional books of the Bible that are accepted as scripture but were so accepted outside of the historic canonization process and are therefore rejected by Protestant Christianity. c. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) taught that since God does not exist, man must devise his own way of life. Jesus was handed over to the Romans who carried out the death sentence under Pontius Pilate via pressure of the Jews. World Religions Chart guides students in organizing important beliefs, and teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Trinity: One God in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus), & Holy Spirit. a. Theravada – Tripitaka “The Three Baskets” of scripture sometimes called the Pali canon and is 11 times the size of the Bible. 8. These additional books are commonly referred to as the "Apocrypha" which means "the hidden". All mankind deserves to share in the fruits from following the above tenets. 3. During the holocaust, which was a brutal attack on Jewish people led by Adolfo Hitler, most Jewish people were forced out of their homes. There are four inspired books of Scripture which god has revealed to man. The ReligionFacts "Big Religion Chart" is an attempt to summarize all the complexities of religions and belief systems into tiny little boxes on a single, quick-reference comparison chart . b. (Gave rise to Christianity). a. iii. This is clearly a different god from the Biblical God of Christianity even though the names are the same. Contemporary of Siddharta Guatama and born just before Plato and Socrates, he went from state to state in China calling for social and political reforms. The animist lives in a world of tribal survival. and "Origin of the Species" - Charles Darwin, Agnostic - a (without) knowledge (gnosis). The caste system and the laws of karma make social reform or improvement nearly impossible. Widespread respect was paid to animals as the abode of dead ancestors. People go to ‘sleep’ and are transformed into this mysterious state as part of nature’s cycle. This survival establishes social norms as well as a ‘loose’ moral code. The Vedas (knowledge or wisdom) 1400 BC – 500 AD  comprised of the mantras (hymns of praise), brahmanas (guide for ritual rites),  and the Upanishads (teachings on religious truth or doctrine). b. Ludwig Feurbach (1804-1872) postulated the idea of God arose as a result of men desiring to have some sort of supernatural Being as an explanation for their own existence and the events they observed around them. Jews and Muslims don't have the best history. “That, conjoined with self-torture which is painful, ignoble, & useless”, b. Abidhamma Pitaka – metaphysical basket. Animism is so widely varied, orally transmitted, and primarily belonging to nomadic, tribes with unwritten tradition, that no authoritative writings exist (nor have ever been deemed necessary by practicing Animists). Chart works with notes, or research from a World History Book and/or the internet. contains discourses of the Buddha, iii. b. A PowerPoint slide is also included which shows world religions by percent . There is no ‘heaven’ or ‘salvation’. Taoism - goal is to be one with Tao, the impersonal force of the universe. He was miserable and supposedly lived on a grain of rice per day. Founder - Siddhartha Guatama born about 560 B.C. Abrahamic Religions Comparison. Differences: Hinduism has no founder. describes the religion of the Aryans via the writings of “Holy men” or rishis (seers). The animist attempts to ward off the anger of the good spirits (dead ancestors, gods, demi-gods, etc.) If you don’t see a chart, try here. h�l�O��0�磼��i�eQă�N��®���Q��$=�W_#-�xÛd�' ���ER���a^d�d0I�u�^�"�&/��廒Y�t�)��ס����s�'F���Y�:��;4R����pD�=,ڬ9.M)�ї���7��IY���j�~�S���pfa�A���0,Q�2ܰgk����ۛ��g�=�����R��k= ��Z� Therefore, evil is anything that threatens the security of the tribe and/or the individual. They believe that the Holy Spirit is a sort of "divine spark" but not a person, much less God Almighty in the 3rd person of the Holy Trinity. 1. 2000 BC. a. b. One can’t help a person in need for fear of jacking their karma. The Book of Anals (Shu K’ing) A work of history of the 5 prior Chinese dynasties to Confucius time. Similarities: Both are Dharmic religions. Survival of the Dead – gave rise to the offering of food, lighting fires etc. d. Moses – acted as spokesman, ruler, and spiritual leader to the Hebrews and led them out of Egyptian captivity. They basically believe in the supierority of the black race and that all white men are the devil and they believe in a different version of Allah and Mohammad the prophet which is why they are considered a cult by many Muslims. There are no flames: there is only the palace.". a. Being that He is not self-sufficient, He was then unnecessary and ultimately imaginary.”. Whatever caste you were born into  is the one you die in. c. Although Confucius referred to himself as simply a “story teller”, his disciples considered him a wise teacher and his belief system spread rapidly. When you die, that is it: the end. Your browser doesn't support JavaScript or you have disabled JavaScript. i. Afterlife is, like Hinduism, a series of life after life after life etc until Nirvana is achieved. Now she lies asleep in the great house (universe). c. Ritual is essential for survival of the tribe in that it wins the favor of the spirits of one’s source of food, shelter, and fertility. Secularist/Non Religious - Synonimous with types named above, however, is a term used by some who consider themselves a variant of the above but would not categorize themselves necessarily as either agnostic or atheistic in belief. Founder – Chiu King 550-479 B.C. Both have numerous gods. This is like the rotation of the 4 seasons: spring, summer, fall, & winter. hެ�A They are then to receive rewards for all of the good that they did from the motivation of love (not works) and will have their works of poor motivation destroyed before them. a. believes in a coming Messiah, and of Israel having a homeland, and of a world to come. Adheres to the inspiration of the Old Testament but values the Torah (1st 5 books) above all others. Among these are the Greek, Roman, Norse, Etruscan, Celtic, Slavic, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Arabian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese, and many more myths.. b. Talmud – Not “scripture” but VERY highly regarded Jewish library of oral law and tradition consisting of Mishnah (oral law in general to be distinguished from scripture) and Gemara (commentary based upon the Mishnah). Don’t use plagiarized sources. Man is alone responsible for the realization of his dreams. iii. Different Christian denominations are organized and worship in different ways. Anyone with the knowledge of more than one of these world mythologies would realize that there are some glaring similarities between them. Nearly any charismatic Mahayana leader’s teachings tend to be fully accepted by his followers as ‘scripture’ making it nearly impossible to learn (much less follow) the voluminous and contradictory writings of the Mahayana Buddhist. iii. Do not drink intoxicants or take drugs. Therefore, everything that is, is because He made it. The quest for the good life is still the central task for mankind. 12. i. Vinaya Pitaka – discipline basket. Huxley (founded name 'agnostic' ), a. David Hume (1711-1776) – British empiricist ‘We do not know for sure: we are agnostic’, "Belief is not to be confused with ultimate truth, which is unknowable.". Achieved via deep meditation, a state of consciousness that we are one with Brahman. Based on 15 concepts: 1. endstream endobj 670 0 obj <>stream King Henry the VIII of England - Desired a divorce from his wife and was refused the right to do so by the Pope. Mormons believe that God the Father came from a planet near a star named Kolob, came to earth grew into man and then into God and then proceeded to make spiritual children. Because only the mitzvah makes the world a little less dissonant between what it is and what it ought to be.the whole programme of Judaism, the project of the Torah, is tikkun olam in the precise sense 'mending a fragmented, fractured, world'. He started receiving revelations at the age of 40 from the “angel Gabriel”. a. primarily combines Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Animism (Occultism). Says we “do not” know. a. A greater power has put us in this universe. Overcomes the avidyya  or ‘ignorance’ that brings on the bondage of rebirth cycles. Both believe in reincarnation and karma. hޜT�n�0���-R�d�(�%/C��H��!K�"@��;,�CI��fu�>��!/>"3�Ė�'2���P� 91�ّ�%y�q�;�8��wE�U�Ƿ���T#މ��1Ί�`qz2%3����`(��d� �,\;-�euZ��Q�P>HJ$�p�J�#��R�GMȢh.��"�K��!��]1yڼ��7bAӋb����l��s�:�-!���{����'���th�ew|�F`��w������b1GcYL���_`��byx8~9v�l���87=U�)P�7�ƁDSo�0RH��Բ�hXr�'ߦT�#Y�R���"�a3�h�F�߅c�x;�>���x��foƢ�a�H�j����[�M9�� Seeing this the British gave them a part of Israel that they were colonizing. 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